The Harvest is Plentiful

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.”- Matthew 9:37-38

How convinced are we that the harvest is plentiful?

In The United Methodist Church we can resign ourselves to decline. We watch as local congregations slowly age and dwindle. The offering goes down as the costs of upkeep go up. And our own denomination is caught up in debates over sexuality, debates that look to be leading to some split. Not to mention we are in the middle of a once in a century pandemic. When you gather all the facts it can be hard to see how the harvest is plentiful, as Jesus says.

But Jesus’ disciples also faced many drawbacks. They could only travel as far as their feet could carry them. Jesus forbade them from carrying any money, or even a backpack. None of them had an education. They were left with nothing but their own witness. Yet Jesus tells them “the harvest is plentiful.” The harvest isn’t plentiful because of what we have, or because of who we are. The harvest is plentiful because of who God is. Though the disciples were sent without any food, money, or a backpack, they were sent with with Holy Spirit. It is God who brings the harvest, not our great programming or our rousing preaching. 

Since it is the power of God that brings about the harvest Jesus tells his disciples first to pray. “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.” Prayer is the beginning of evangelism. And prayer is the beginning of our witness. I know some people who are gregarious, boisterous, and can make a friend out of anyone. They revel in the chance to witness to God’s grace and share the gospel. But I know a good many more people who aren’t that way. Whether you are outgoing, whether you are more quiet, God calls all of us first and foremost to pray. Pray that God would send workers into his harvest. Pray that all of us may be given that opportunity to share what we have found.

The harvest is not dependent on how good we are. The harvest is dependent on the faithfulness of God. And God has proven himself to be faithful. So when he says “the harvest is plentiful” you can take it to the bank. The harvest is plentiful. It’s the laborers who are few. So let us pray that God would give disciples more opportunities to go into the harvest.