Maundy Thursday Soup Supper and Communion Service
6:00 PM18:00

Maundy Thursday Soup Supper and Communion Service

  • Bad Axe First United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Maundy (Holy) Thursday Soup Supper will begin at 6:00pm. This meal is potluck style so bring a soup, bread, or dessert to pass and your own table setting.

Maundy Thursday Communion Service will be held in the sanctuary of the Bad Axe United Methodist Church at 7:00pm. Pastor Tim Callow will officiate the communion service.

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Rummage Sale
9:00 AM09:00

Rummage Sale

  • Bad Axe First United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Doors open at 9:00am for the annual Church Rummage Sale! Don’t miss out! Household, books, furniture, and clothing all on sale.

Donations are currently being accepted Monday - Thursday between 9am and 2pm and can be left in the Church fellowship hall.

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to Nov 18


  • Bad Axe First United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

John Calvin, the great reformer, wrote a commentary for every book of the Bible — except Revelation. Martin Luther, when he embarked on his translation of the Bible into German, had his doubts about Revelation’s place in the Bible. He couldn’t make heads or tails of it at first, and thought its secrets were hidden. At least, hidden until his day. The Book of Revelation is dark and obscure, and many faithful interpreters have read it in different ways. What are we supposed to make of it today? What can we glean from the history of its interpretation? What have we learned?

Join us on Thursdays at 7:00 pm in the Church fellowship hall. Contact Pastor Tim at to be added to the study offered via ZOOM at a different time.

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