Women’s Bible Study. Contact the church office for details since time/locations change.
The 2024 Apple Pie Marathon takes place in October. Pie orders can be called in to the church office beginning in September.
Honoring Our Foremothers' Legacy
On March 23, 1869, in Boston, Massachusetts, Clementina Butler and Lois Parker informed six women members of the Methodist Episcopal Church about the desperate health care and educational needs of women in India. Their Call to Action raised funds to send Isabella Thoburn, a teacher, and Clara Swain, a doctor, to India. The meeting in March led to the formation of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, the first of many Methodist women’s mission organizations to address the injustices imposed on women and girls in the 19th century.
United Methodist Women is their successor, and we celebrate 150 years of changing the lives of women, children and youth.
The Bad Axe United Methodist Women continue this tradition of changing lives by sponsoring several events during the year. These events, such as Pasty Sales, Soup Suppers, Rada Sales, and the Apple Pie Marathon, raise money for a lot of local ministries.