

The Church is God’s

Acts 2:1-21
Rev. Tim Callow
Preached Sun. May 23rd, 2021

Today is Pentecost, the birthday of the Church. The Church did not begin because someone had planned it. The Church did not begin with the drafting of a constitution or bylaws. The Church began as a gift. It was nothing anyone expected. 

The disciples could not know what was in store for them. They had been through a strange and bewildering fifty or so days. They marched into Jerusalem with their Lord and the multitudes. One of their own would go on to betray him, the crowds would turn against him, he’d be crucified. The third day he’d rise from the dead. And then ascend into heaven. What could they expect? The future was wide open. All they could do is wait.

God does not operate on our time. That can be frustrating. We all have our plans, our wants, our desires. In a world where so much can be ready made and pizza arrives in thirty minutes or less waiting can be tiresome. For the disciples the waiting must have been both terrifying and like a child waiting for Santa. They had seen the awesome grace of God in raising Jesus from the dead, and what more might he have in store? But, indeed, what more might he have in store? And what might that mean for them? Their future was no longer in their hands. Their future was in God’s hands, and would take place in God’s time.

So the disciples are all gathered in one place on the day of Pentecost. We are told there came a sound from heaven like the rush of a strong wind. The wind filled the house in which the disciples sat, and the house was filled with divided tongues of fire that came to rest upon each of the disciples. Not, I suppose, what they expected. The fire, the wind, was a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. They found themselves filled with the Holy Spirit, sent by Christ, and were given the gift to speak in the tongues of the nations.

Outside multitudes from all over the known world gathered to celebrate the feast of Pentecost, which is the celebration of the gift of the Law of Moses. There were people from nationalities that belong to Rome, but there were also people from nationalities that belong to enemy empires. All those gathered heard the disciples preach, and they heard the disciples preach in their own languages. The spirit-filled disciples preached the gospel in such a way that all could understand, no matter their background, because the gospel that they preach is meant for all and can transform all.

Some scoffed that they must be drunk, as good an accusation as any. So Peter spoke, defending the disciples. They can’t be drunk, it’s only 9 in the morning! No, what all had come to witness was the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy, that God would pour out his Spirit on all flesh that they might prophecy, and that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord would be saved.

What a fantastic miracle. The nations of the world hear the gospel in their own tongues, those who might be enemies hear of God’s reconciliation and mercy. And thousands come to believe. And what’s more, the once cowardly Peter now stands before the nations in zeal and courageously proclaims that salvation comes from the crucified messiah. 

It’s the birthday of the Church.

The Church is not built on the talent of the apostles. It’s not built on their ingenuity or charisma. The Church is built on Christ, and is given to us through the Holy Spirit.

Without the Holy Spirit there is no Church. It is the Spirit that takes the many and makes one. It is the Spirit that gives power to our proclamation. It is the Spirit that guides us, and empowers us, and animates us. Without the Spirit we are nothing. But through the Spirit we are given a grand mission to reach a world that desperately needs to hear of God’s love.

This morning we should remember the Church is not our own. The Church is the gift of God. And it is the gift of God through the Spirit of God. It is not about what we want to do, it is about what God wants to do through us. We are only the Church insofar as the Spirit is given to us. But in that Spirit miracles take place. 

It is the Spirit that gives us vision, focus, and direction. It is the Spirit that can take these weak hands and this stammering tongue and transform lives. It is God’s gift to us, and to this world. 

That is the birth we celebrate today. God’s people. God’s gift. The Church.